Python Basis 基础笔记

新接触python programming, 记录一些基础.

Batteries Included. 立马就可以使用的. Installizaton

download 2.7 from python website and install at C:\Python27;
download Anaconda 2.1.0 install at E:\Anaconda;
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这是从Anaconda里面起来的Spyder IDE:
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Variables and Data

A variable is a name that points to some specific data type. 不允许声明一个变量而没有=赋值. contents = 6;
print( type(contents) );
contents = str(contents);
print( type(contents) );

functions: y=float(x), int(), str(), unicode();

import keywork;
for kw in keywork.kwlist: print(kw);

Python's Data Model来看"variables are just names that point to data", 所有的data都是objects, 每一个object都具有这三者"identity, type, value".
identity 描述的是address in memory.
var = 5; var = str(var); # 其实是换了不同的object, 只是沿用了var这个名字.
var = 5; print( 'int id', id(var) );
var = str(var); #换了type类型了. print( 'str id', id(var) ); #感觉python value好像c++ pointer.

Python object有一个mutability属性(这算是python data model的一部分?). mutable objects: can have their values changed( mutated );
immutable: tuples, strings, numbers.

var = 5; print( 'int id', id(var) );
var = 6; #换了value, 但是type还是number, immutable, 所以是新object. print( 'int id', id(var) );

Python的data model里面还有用reference counting system to manage its memory.
RC这里的一个side effect是当两个immutable variables, type and value都一样的话, 那可能是指向同一个object(内存地址).
v1 = 10; v2 = 10; print( 'v1 id', id(v1) ); print( 'v2 id', id(v2) );
这种情况在mutable上面不会出现, 例如两个list object, type都是list一样了, value也一样的, 但是保证是两个独立的object.
list1 = [1, 2, 3]; list2 = [1, 2, 3]; print('list1 id', id(list1));
print('list2 id', id(list2));

del()这个built-in函数, 只是标记这个variable不能被使用了, 但是那些object data还是被python的garbage collector所管理.
v1 = 5;
v2 = 5; #就是上面提供亮点灵感immutable variable同指向一个object. del(v1); print(v1); #NameError
print(v2); #还是有效.

name = [x, y, z, 1, 2, 3];
if ( isinstance(name, list) ): ... else:

if string == "":
if obj is None:

the_file = open('sketch.tex')

do sth with the data in "the_file".





Python Practice Book, by Anand Chitipothu.
book, Head First Python, 听说book不错, 适合有编程背景的人去学python.
book, Python Cookbook, 第三版是用python3. 适合有python基础的去看.
PySide Tutorials
A Crash Course in Python for Scientists